Now you can relax with a smart email marketing service that actually works!
The Seed service provides a professional team to design and create your emails, manage your database and take care of your campaign marketing at one low set monthly fee. Our experienced design team will create your eye catching powerful graphic style emails & send to your target audience to create enquiry & potential sales leads.
Yes, we actually do it for you – a smart, simple & effective way to grow your business, plant the seed where it’s needed, a great way to send expressions of interest, monthly newsletters, sales, clearance or general advertising.
Seed was designed and built on our customer needs, email marketing can be complex task working with customers without annoying them – that’s why Seed offers a design team the looks after your email campaigns, we’ll design, send, monitor and manage your email marketing closely with you so you can see the results grow, bring some cheer into your team by boosting your sales & enquiries – you will be surprised how little it costs!