Email Marketing

Your Free Email Checklist – Hit Send with Confidence

Pre-send anxiety is real. There’s a lot of pressure sending out to thousands of inboxes on behalf of your brand. What if there’s a typo? Am I sure I changed all those links? Did I update my tracking? What about the preheader text? Without a pre-send ritual, complete with email checklist, you could find yourself wasting time, checking and checking and checking. And by the end of it, you’ll probably still not feel any better when it comes time to hit send.

Without a structured process, you’re more likely to have mistakes slip through. And then you’re going to need to react very quickly with a great apology email. So we’ve put together a simple, comprehensive checklist to help you avoid all that, and to help make sure your emails are always up to scratch.

Complete this email checklist, and hit send with confidence.

Click here to download a PDF version of your email checklist.

Mistakes happen. But at least with this email checklist, you’re going to be the one to find them.


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